Breathe Clean Air



School Systems utilize Special Purpose Buses to transport children and students whose disabilities may not permit them to use standard school buses. In the same way, Public transit agencies utilize Paratransit buses to provide safe transportation for riders with disabilities or special needs.

These school children and public transportation riders are often highly susceptible to airborne illnesses due to compromised immune systems, medications, etc. Improving the air quality in these buses is essential to providing safe transportation for these passengers.

Schools and public transportation agencies can improve the air quality for these high-risk students and riders by removing harmful contaminants from the air with Lumin-Air’s MERV-13 equivalent filtration. Germicidal UV-C can also be added as an extra layer of protection.

Lumin-Air’s solution for Special Purpose Buses and Paratransit Buses is a simple, cost effective solution that safely removes contaminants from the air while the buses are occupied, recirculating clean air for at-risk students and riders to breathe.