Breathe Clean Air



INDIANAPOLISJune 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The Indiana State School Bus Committee on June 1st, 2021, approved the use of UV light air purification systems on Indiana school buses after a successful pilot program with Indiana based Lumin-Air

Andrew Desmarais, Chief Operating Officer of Lumin-Air said, “This approval is very exciting for Indiana school districts and puts Indiana on par with other states who have already approved these technologies to help provide clean air in their school buses. Most importantly Indiana schools can now implement a solution to help reduce the risk of transmission and better protect students, bus drivers and other school bus occupants against airborne respiratory pathogens like SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza.”

School buses are the most densely populated areas in a school’s facility and typically have the poorest air quality. Lumin-Air’s system includes MERV 13 filtration and UV lights in an enclosure, circulating clean, disinfected air throughout the bus. This is a much safer and healthier alternative to opening school bus windows, which can bring in unfiltered air containing exhaust, allergens, and particulates. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) urges limiting inhalation of diesel exhaust especially for children who still have developing pulmonary systems.

Timing for approval was critical as Indiana schools have until June 25th to turn in proposals for how they will allocate the large amount of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds (ESSER) to improve air quality in their facilities and school bus fleets.

Dan Fillenwarth, President of Lumin-Air commented “If a school system spent a little over 1% of their ESSER funding on air quality in their school buses they could have systems installed, including 12-years of replacement filters and UV bulbs, addressing the neediest portion of their facilities. This would be a huge step toward improving the health of students, teachers, and bus drivers, and helping to protect schools from shutting down in the future.”

Lumin-Air has successfully installed their solution in CaliforniaPennsylvaniaFlorida and Maryland, on all major school bus manufacturer models and on two leading metro bus manufacturer’s vehicles. They also have a pilot program underway on a rail system.